A New Day

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  • A New Day
  • Conference
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A New Day

Brought to you by Son of Thunder
Speaker: Ian Clayton
Sessions: 5 Audio Teachings
*This product is included in the Son of Thunder Membership. Visit sonofthundermembership.com to find out more

Includes the following sessions:

Session One: Living Above the Sun

In this session Ian talks about how to Identify the two main realms that affect our existence below the sun.

Session Two: The Way of Sovereignty

In this session Ian teaches on the stages of growth in our functionality that lead towards realising maturity and the subsequent way of sovereignty.

Session Three: Priesthood Above The Sun

In this session Ian discusses the various functions of priesthood and how this impacts our daily walk with Yahweh.

Session Four: The Expressions of Faith

Faith is a doorway of entry that empowers you and I to reach in to the future. To lay hold of something that is in the heart of Yahweh, that is not yet manifested upon the earth. Faith allows us to tether into that future, regardless of our circumstances, to see it unlocked. In this session Ian talks about the different aspects of faith that are available to us and which can empower us to engage the higher realities of Yahweh.

Session Five: Being In The Spirit

The key motivation to being positioned in the spirit must be our desire for greater union with Yahweh. In this session Ian expands his previous teaching on how to be in the spirit and discusses how believers can be positioned in the right doorway so that they can be captured and caught up into the realm of Yahweh.


A New Day

Brought to you by Son of Thunder
Speaker: Ian Clayton
Sessions: 5 Audio Teachings
*This product is included in the Son of Thunder Membership. Visit sonofthundermembership.com to find out more

Includes the following sessions:

Session One: Living Above the Sun

In this session Ian talks about how to Identify the two main realms that affect our existence below the sun.

Session Two: The Way of Sovereignty

In this session Ian teaches on the stages of growth in our functionality that lead towards realising maturity and the subsequent way of sovereignty.

Session Three: Priesthood Above The Sun

In this session Ian discusses the various functions of priesthood and how this impacts our daily walk with Yahweh.

Session Four: The Expressions of Faith

Faith is a doorway of entry that empowers you and I to reach in to the future. To lay hold of something that is in the heart of Yahweh, that is not yet manifested upon the earth. Faith allows us to tether into that future, regardless of our circumstances, to see it unlocked. In this session Ian talks about the different aspects of faith that are available to us and which can empower us to engage the higher realities of Yahweh.

Session Five: Being In The Spirit

The key motivation to being positioned in the spirit must be our desire for greater union with Yahweh. In this session Ian expands his previous teaching on how to be in the spirit and discusses how believers can be positioned in the right doorway so that they can be captured and caught up into the realm of Yahweh.

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